This paper presents an automatic room heater control system. To reduce the need to do this, a system that works automatically needs to be put in place. Also, disabled people get to face a lot challenges when they want to operate temperature control system in their houses because this systems require them to use physical contact or some hand remote devices to operate them. This is very tiring and proves out not to be an effective way of controlling temperature of a room. One of these limitations is that the user has to adjust the system every time the external conditions change. The temperature control systems that are currently in use have limitations. Weather is forever varying and changes on short intervals, and as a result, the external conditions always have an influence on the indoor conditions. A great deal of automatic room heater system business items is promptly accessible in the market and this includes devices such as AIRCONS. As of late, a considerable measure of work is being finished by organizations in this field. By the mid twentieth century the Automatic Temperature Control System creation ended up noticeably famous in enterprises and homes. Johnson initially built up the pneumatic temperature control framework which took into account temperature control on a room by room premise in structures and homes. Johnson stopping instructing and beginning his electric administration organization which was gone for outlining programmed control systems. The Automatic Temperature Control System was to meet this very need which prompts Warren S. Johnson looked for an approach to end, or possibly limit the classroom intrusions of the janitors and increment the solace level of the understudies. Before that time, Janitors were compelled to go in every classroom to check the temperature of the classes, and after that, control the dampers in the S-basement in like manner. The idea of programmed room heater control systems goes back in the eighteenth century and this thought was first secured in Norman School, Oklahoma by an educator named Warren S. This makes it necessary the need for a Temperature Control System within the home. Other areas of the home that are used as storage areas for perishable food items also need to be thermally regulated in order to prevent accelerated decay of such items. Adults could possibly find their way around “thermal discomforts”, but infants may not. These issues become more pertinent in areas of the home that are occupied by infants. Areas in the home that are usually occupied by people, such as the living room and bedrooms need to be maintained within habitable temperature ranges. A home is usually the most occupied place in any culture. With the advancement of technology, automation has become part of our lives. The system was simulated and simulation results were in accordance to the design specifications. The DC power supply was designed and simulated using Multisim software. A 5 V DC power supply was designed in order to provide a biasing voltage to most of the active devices used in the system design circuit. For coding the PIC Microcontroller, Micro-C compiler was used.

Proteus software was used to design and simulate the main circuit, and Micro-C hex file was loaded on the Proteus schematic design. The system was designed and simulated using Proteus 8, circuit building software used for building electronics system.

The Fan is triggered ON when the room temperature is higher than the set temperature and the heater is triggered ON when the room temperature is lower than the set temperature. With the help of a microcontroller, the system responds by turning ON any of the two (2) loads (Fan or a heater) automatically depending on the temperature difference. This system allows the user to set a desired temperature which is then compared to the room temperature measured by a temperature sensor. This paper presents the design and simulation of an Automatic Room Heater Control system.